1st International Conference BIOHYDROLOGY 2006, Impact of biological factors on soil hydrology
Prague, Czech Republic, 20-22 September 2006



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Keynote Lectures
Institute of Hydrology SAS


Keynote lectures


Cermak J, Nadezdina, N.: Transpiration of trees and forests under contrasting soil water conditions as related to tree architecture

Cisar JL, Park DM, Fidanza MA, Kostka SJ: Factors influencing soil water repellency in turf

Doerr SH: The role of wildfire in catchment hydrology

Fidanza MA, Cisar JL, Kostka SJ: Soil chemical and physical characteristics associated with type-I fairy ring in turfgrass

Hallett PD, Feeney DS, Bengough AG, Rodger S, White NA, Young IM: Measuring microscale hydrology: impacts of land management and biology

Kleidon A: A thermodynamic characterization of vegetation and soil feedbacks in the climate system

Nieber J: Lateral preferential flow on hillslopes through pathways formed by biological and mechanical processes

Or D: Extracellular polymeric substances and the microhydrology of bacterial colonies in the vadose zone

Pierson FB, Robichaud PR: Water repellency and fire in sagebrush ecosystems of the Northern Great Basin, USA

Ritsema CJ: The influence of vegetation on flow and transport processes

Roper MM: Bioremediation of water repellent soils

Schaumann GE, Diehl D: The nature of water repellency in urban soil samples: A hypothesis

Stagnitti F, Hamilton A, Versace V, Ireodiaconou D: Wastewater reuse: environmental impacts and risk assessment

Steenhuis TS, Dathe A, Zevi Y, Gao B, Richards BK, McCarthy J: Characterization of transport and retention of bio-colloids in soils

Wallach R, Jortzick Ch, Graber ER: Spatial and temporal moisture content distribution in repellent soils from a point-water source (drip irrigation)

Wessolek G, Stoffregen H, Taeumer K: Stability of flow pattern in water repellent soils

Whalley WR, Matthews P: The effects of roots and organic matter on the structure and hydraulic properties of agricultural soils